AlfaBlue Junior DG
Model Number
Product Description
AlfaBlue Junior DG is a competitive dry cooler line that offers excellent performance, easy installation on site and an outstanding integration with other components. Highly efficient fan motors combine excellent sound characteristics and low energy consumption. AlfaBlue Junior dry coolers are often used for cooling down condenser water in air-conditioning and refrigeration installations. In the processing industry, dry coolers are suitable for closed circuit cooling of various process liquids.

AlfaBlue BD
Model Number
Product Description
The AlfaBlue BD series is a wide range of heavy-duty dry coolers. Dry coolers are often used for cooling down condenser water in air conditioning and refrigeration installations. In the processing industry, dry coolers are suitable for closed circuit cooling of various process liquids. With a wide range of sound pressure level alternatives, these units are particularly suited to demanding, noise sensitive environments.

Alfa-V VDD
Model Number
Product Description
The Alfa-V VDD series is a wide range of heavy duty V-type dry coolers for air conditioning, refrigeration and various industrial applications such as water/glycol cooling or free cooling. For industrial applications, dry coolers are suitable for closed circuit cooling of various process liquids in f.i. food, power, process and general industries. Alfa-V VDD dry coolers provide high capacities at a modest power consumption and a compact footprint.